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The Supervisory Relationship: Difficulties and Delights Presented by Robit Shohet
25 January 2025 9.30am - 4.30pm Interactive Webinar and/or watch the recording at any time until 28 February 2025
£120.00 plus VAT

Click on the PDF for more details

Live Interactive Webinar - Join live on the day, or access the recording at any time for 30 days.

In a world dominated by an audit culture and where relationships are becoming increasingly transactional, the supervisory relationship is of vital importance. Through good role modelling, it upholds the value of relationship as a vehicle for transformation. How does the supervisor avoid becoming part of a culture that is increasingly moving towards avoidance of risk and defensive practice? In this webinar we will use Appreciative Inquiry as our starting point and take courage as our theme - the courage to take risks, behonest and vulnerable and own what might seem like mistakes, but in fact are potentiallyvehicles for growth.

Past delegates have commented: "A excellent experiential learning." "I came to hear and observe a gifted clinician - this aim was achieved". "Sent me away excited, energised, and enthusiastic".

You will have access to the full recording and materials/resources until the end of February. This gives you the flexibility to join for all or part of the day or to watch the recording whenever fits with your commitments.

Robin Shohet has been running supervision courses since 1979. He combines his work as a trainer with team coaching and culture change in organizations using Appreciative Inquiry. He has published widely on the topic of supervision including: 'Supervision in the Helping Professions', 'Passionate Supervision’, 'Supervision as Transformation’ and his latest book ‘In Love with Supervision’.

This workshop is suitable for all health professionals including clinical and counselling psychologists, doctors, counsellors, social workers, general and mental health nurses as well as those working in third sector, educational and coaching settings. It will be of interest to practitioners of CBT and other approaches. 
It will contribute 6 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD)



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